Thursday, August 22, 2013

Almost fall

After a period of cooler temperatures, both frightening and exciting, summer seems to have started up again. But the front garden knows that fall is coming.

At the top of the stairs, the cucumbers and tomatoes are fading.
The cucumbers have gotten mildew, though I don't know if it's downy or powdery. I suspect powdery.

Mildewed cucumber!
I haven't done anything about it, since we're trying to be organic here, and the plants out back are fine. I'll probably just pull the two plants out front and replace them with something for the fall. The only problem is choosing between broccoli and sugar snap peas. Sugar snap peas would usually win, since they're guaranteed to do well and I love them, but I'd like to try at least one broccoli plant out front.

At least the third wave of beans is going well.

Provider bush bean flowers.
Edamame pods.

It looks like I'll get more, and bigger, beans from the 10 or so plants out front than from all of the summer ones out back. I'm developing a serious dislike of the mulberry tree that gives the shadier bed out back its name.

In the back there's never much to report, as it's mostly tomato plants chugging along, doing their late summer thing but at a slooow pace. The last minute bed I threw all of my extras into turned out to be a very good move.

It's a mess in the back, where the stakes keep falling over, but the plants don't seem to mind too much and have been supplying a steady stream of Sun Gold cherry tomatoes, with some Black Krims that might make it to maturity. This bed has never even had a suspicious, blighty looking leaf show up.

And a whackload of harvest pictures since I haven't been keeping up.

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