Sunday, June 30, 2013

First tomatoes

Happily I am just as good a gardener as the cold, hard concrete! Out front this is happening...
Very soon.
With even more right behind.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Total garden update

Out front I've been picking one or two strawberries from time to time. I only have six plants and four of them I pinched back the flowers on so the roots could get more established. The other main crops out there are basil and dill. Below is this spring and summer's basil compared with the much yellower and smaller basil that I've had going inside all winter.

Also pictured: fig tree, flowering lemon basil, strawberry.

There's also been some poppies flowering and a lone cosmos (not pictured) although the plants themselves are huge. Too much nitrogen? I have to admit I don't pay much attention to that pot, even though I'd love to have more flowers. And there are ground cherries forming! This plant has been pretty chewed up by, I think, flea beetles, you can see a lot of holes in the leaves below.

On the back deck the baby lettuces and arugula are chugging along, big enough to munch on. I also moved the flooded drawer and put my winter parsley and some burnt up pansies in it. The pansies have flowered but the got really damaged by the sun and heat when they were out front so I doubt they're long for this world.

Lettuce on left, arugula to the right. 
Parsley and pansies.
The winter arugula I moved from inside has flowered, which I've never had happen before. Maybe I'll be able to collect seed?

Hard to see with all that green in the background.

Then downstairs things are really happening. First I ended up throwing all my leftover starts into one of the landlords' beds (after clearing it with them first) since they never got around to planting anything in them.

It's also pretty shady so I don't have high hopes but there's a ton more tomatoes (sun gold cherries and black krim), eggplants, cucumbers, potato, and sweet potato. Then in my beds there's finally some fruits!

Baby tomatoes, sun gold cherries.
In the center of the photo, shaded, a baby cucumber.

And along the right side the clover and wildflowers I seeded have germinated.

There's a piece of metal fencing laid over the smaller seedlings to prevent animals digging. I've already found that the dog loves messing around with my branch/twig mulch, but not so much after rotting leaves are laid over.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The non-edibles

I haven't talked much about the back garden outside of the beds but I've been playing around with few areas. Around the beds there isn't much more than 12" of space along the shorter sides and between the two, so everything gets walked on without having enough sun to get any grass established. I did try growing some crimson clover at the sides but there's not even enough sun at this point for that, so I've ended up using some piles of branches that have been sitting back there for at least a couple of years as mulch, topped with pulled weeds.
In front of the sunnier bed, to the right of the bed is a sedum that blooms in September.
I recently extended the mulch to the right of that bed where there's more space. This is where there's a ton of tulips planted, some of which I dug up and plan to replant a little further away from the bed. I love the tulips but while they're in bloom they come right up to the bed and I can't reach that side of it without stepping all over them. I wish I had a good picture of them in bloom but sadly I never took one.
March 19th
March 29th
April 17th
The final picture gives some idea of how they grow right up to the bed. Below is how it looks now.

Most of the dried tulip leaves and stems have been broken off by either myself or the dog, and sedum has gotten huge, at least 2' in diameter. I'm still hoping to grow some clover and maybe shade tolerant wildflowers back there, but we'll see how the animal traffic and sunlight situation plays out.

Friday, June 14, 2013

The brassicas

So I planted brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage this spring. I know these are fall crops, but I had some year old seeds (broccoli, cabbage) and seeds I collected last summer (brussels sprouts) I was curious to test. And also the wait for last frost can feel so long sometimes, so it's nice to have something to plant out in March. Anyway, so far this is the fruit of my labors:

The head is about an inch in diameter. I guess this is what happens when you don't get the recommended amount of sunlight. On the bright side I've always loved the stalk best and there's plenty of that to go round.

So far the brussels sprouts and cabbage, which have a longer period until maturity, have done nothing, but I'm waiting a bit to pull them out since I can't think of anything to replace them with. This all makes me sad because brussels sprouts and broccoli are some of my favorite veggies.

In other news, here's some baby lettuce and arugula sprouts, at least the shade is good for them.
Planted one week ago.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Most everything did alright while we were gone, except the lettuce and spinach which bolted. So it's been replaced with sweet potatoes and a few yellow and red potatoes that had sprouted. The curlier leaves below, that aren't cabbages, are kale that's remained tiny but not bolted and one white potato I planted maybe a month ago.

I don't expect much from those guys though, because of the total lack of sunlight in that bed. From the photo above you can see the trunk of the mulberry tree that shades it out, and a tiny bit of the rose which also cuts out a fair bit of sun.

The remaining two unstaked tomatoes flopped over
One of the black krims.
so they got flimsy metal cages put on them. The first picture also shows some of the string I've woven around the row of cherry tomatoes. They shot up a bit this last week so I added a couple more lines.

And on the back "deck" area I set up a couple of drawers I picked up on trash day as planters. I drilled copious holes in the bottom and then filled them with potting soil.
Also pictured, Agway "Premium" Cow Manure picked up on the drive back to the city.
Then it rained like crazy and I realized that the gutters at the back of the house leak, like, a lot. The drawer on the left was totally flooded and all the lighter bits in the potting soil were washed over. These were planted with some more spinach and lettuce on the left, and mesclun mix and arugula on the right. I should probably do a comprehensive post about the back deck, but it's always a mess and not much grows due to the extreme shade. These drawers are kind of the whole thing.