Friday, June 7, 2013


Most everything did alright while we were gone, except the lettuce and spinach which bolted. So it's been replaced with sweet potatoes and a few yellow and red potatoes that had sprouted. The curlier leaves below, that aren't cabbages, are kale that's remained tiny but not bolted and one white potato I planted maybe a month ago.

I don't expect much from those guys though, because of the total lack of sunlight in that bed. From the photo above you can see the trunk of the mulberry tree that shades it out, and a tiny bit of the rose which also cuts out a fair bit of sun.

The remaining two unstaked tomatoes flopped over
One of the black krims.
so they got flimsy metal cages put on them. The first picture also shows some of the string I've woven around the row of cherry tomatoes. They shot up a bit this last week so I added a couple more lines.

And on the back "deck" area I set up a couple of drawers I picked up on trash day as planters. I drilled copious holes in the bottom and then filled them with potting soil.
Also pictured, Agway "Premium" Cow Manure picked up on the drive back to the city.
Then it rained like crazy and I realized that the gutters at the back of the house leak, like, a lot. The drawer on the left was totally flooded and all the lighter bits in the potting soil were washed over. These were planted with some more spinach and lettuce on the left, and mesclun mix and arugula on the right. I should probably do a comprehensive post about the back deck, but it's always a mess and not much grows due to the extreme shade. These drawers are kind of the whole thing.

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