Friday, June 14, 2013

The brassicas

So I planted brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage this spring. I know these are fall crops, but I had some year old seeds (broccoli, cabbage) and seeds I collected last summer (brussels sprouts) I was curious to test. And also the wait for last frost can feel so long sometimes, so it's nice to have something to plant out in March. Anyway, so far this is the fruit of my labors:

The head is about an inch in diameter. I guess this is what happens when you don't get the recommended amount of sunlight. On the bright side I've always loved the stalk best and there's plenty of that to go round.

So far the brussels sprouts and cabbage, which have a longer period until maturity, have done nothing, but I'm waiting a bit to pull them out since I can't think of anything to replace them with. This all makes me sad because brussels sprouts and broccoli are some of my favorite veggies.

In other news, here's some baby lettuce and arugula sprouts, at least the shade is good for them.
Planted one week ago.

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