Thursday, July 4, 2013

The fig situation

This is the parent of the fig tree I have in a container on the front steps.

It's been cut down to ground level at least twice in the past two years but always comes back.

June 7th, almost a month ago.
I don't know what the landlord has against it, as it seems like the only useful tree back there, but then the casual observer might find my intense hatred of the mulberry trees back there irrational as well. After all they're only lovely, oxygen-making trees, right? And mulberries are useful too! (What you don't understand is that's what they want you to think.)

As you see, cutting it down just gets you tons of little tree starts, right now spread out in a little fig wall. Last year this was two main trunks that did sort of block the pathway, but nothing like this. If I do get some fruit this year maybe I can identify the type and become a fig tree farmer. Selling little trees for $5 a pop, there's gotta be at least $50 right here...

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