Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Strawberry problems

It's with great regret that I inform the internet of the passing of one of my strawberry plants.

Dead strawberry plant.
Dead strawberry.

This is one of six I picked up at the Union Square farmer's market for $5 this spring. The tag helpfully calls it "Everbearing", not like everbearing versus June-bearing, but like that's the variety's name?

If you've been reading along you'll have seen photos from harvested strawberries, so you know I haven't been following recommendations to cut off all runners and berries in the first year, to allow the roots time to get established. I actually did do that with four of the plants for the first few months, but it seemed a little silly with plants in such small pots, especially as I might be moving them again before the fall. The dead plant is one of the two I've harvested from since the beginning though, so maybe I should have given them the recommended time.

I also ended up with a few runners when I got more lax about trimming them off, which ended up in the back, in the rubbermaid container I repurposed.

Baby strawberry plants.
Baby strawberry plants in the back deck.

As you see, one of them is maybe, probably dead too. The middle plant was added a day after the first two but then got pulled out by a squirrel and never seemed to recover. I haven't pulled it out yet since I'm still not sure it's really dead and I don't have anything needing that spot.

So far I'm not sure if this is a problem with feeding or watering, or caused by discarding common strawberry wisdom. Probably all three!

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